Memory is the brain’s ability to store, retain and recall information and experiences. Whenever there is an injury or blockage to a specific part of the brain, one can experience problems.¹ Other neurological conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease can affect memory and cognition. Most often, people can improve cognitive function and brain efficiency through simple lifestyle changes by incorporating memory exercises, healthy eating, physical fitness, and stress reduction into their daily lives.²
Our Memory Program
Dementia or Alzheimer’s is a tragic disease that affects the whole family, and symptoms of Alzheimer’s are specific to each patient. Our ultimate goal is to keep the patient in their current setting, functioning at the highest level, for the longest period of time. We will achieve our goal by utilizing an interdisciplinary approach involving Skilled Nursing, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Therapy.
Signs & Symptoms
- Memory Changes that Disrupt Daily Life
- Challenges in Planning or Solving Problems
- Difficulty Completing Familiar Tasks
- Confusion with Time or Place
- Trouble Understanding Visual Images
- Changes in Mood & Personality (Aggression)
- New Problems with Words in Speaking or Writing
- Misplacing Things and Losing the Ability to Retrace Steps
- Decreased or Poor Judgment
- Abnormal Sleeping Patterns
- Withdrawal from Work or Social Activities
- Unsafe to be Alone
- Risk of Danger to Self or Others
Our Interdisciplinary Approach
Psychiatric Skilled Nursing
- History & Physical Evaluation – Medication Review – Holistic Treatment Plan Established with Family & Caregivers, and Implemented Through the Plan of Care
- Referral to Psychiatrist as needed
- Nutritional Status monitoring (weight loss, addition of nutritional supplements, and dietary aides)
- Levels of Functioning in Current Surroundings
- Effectiveness of Medication Regime
- Depression/Aggression/Confusion
- Sleep Patterns – Insomnia
Physical Therapy • Occupational Therapy • Speech Therapy
- The collaborative effort of our three therapy disciplines enable our clients to Retrain Level of Functioning & Slow Down Alzheimer’s Process by improving overall Strength and Condition and Impede Muscle Wasting
- Functional Ambulation
- Help Retrain & Maintain Normal Acts of Daily Living, such as Dressing, Toileting, Navigation, Eating
- Memory or Cognitive Retraining
- Treat or Prevent Aphasia (impairment of speech and/or the comprehension of speech), Treat or Prevent Dysphagia (impairment of swallowing), Implement Oral/Pharyngeal/Hylolaryngal Exercises, Use Vital Stim Therapy to Re-educate Muscles in the Throat
¹ 2011, Memory, Wikipedia
² 2011, U.S. National Library of Medicine